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Proposed Technology Centre for Eastern and Central Africa countries

Concept paper by Xavier Ochieng contact

The development of Eastern and Central African countries can be catalysed by appropriate technological developments that deal with the pentagonal issues of food & water insecurity, energy poverty, unemployment, inexistent markets and poor policies.

To this end a Technological Centre is proposed that will seek mainly (but not strictly limited) the development of the energy sector through: - Policy change & implementation, Research & Development, Demonstration Projects, Training & certification of Energy experts, and Financing & Clean development mechanism support for energy initiatives. Additionally, the Centre will act as an information repository and Data base centre for investors, students/scientist, tourists, policy makers and even researchers amongst others. The ideal objective being the pro-active growth of the energy sector, which will then act as a wheel for sustainable development throughout the region.

By having a "nerve centre" coordinating activities throughout the region, more can be done with less resources. Each country will have country representatives, who will then principally liaise with the representative of the other countries. Through this channelled effect, a more robust lobbying block in industrialized countries is to be achieved - for purposes of resources mobilization.

The full concept paper can be obtained from the kbb2 website ( ), Organisations interested in participating in this concept, should contact the concept convener or kbb2 president, and may kindly include their companies /organisations profile, Nature of support they can offer to the concept (financial and/or material), and the contact person.

Ideas and suggestions to further strengthen the realisation of this concept are highly welcome. It is planned that a conference to further discuss this idea be held sometime in 2006. This ultimately may lead to the formation of such a centre.

Download the full concept paper 277 kB PDF


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